Welcome to a spot I’m calling Ask A Nanny!

If everyone had the chance to raise 15-20 kids, then start their own family, we would all be parenting geniuses. But that is not how it works. You get a kid, hopefully get some help, figure a few things out and by the time the next one comes along only 1/10 of what you learned applies to #2.

It can be a slow process without help, but maybe we can speed things up a bit by having a place to ask some questions, in a safe, no pressure way. I have been raising children for over 30 years now! That number is crazy big. Although a bigger number is one of my first kiddos turning 37. We’re still in touch, I adore her, she’s brilliant, she has a new baby and was over a few months ago with him, playing in the sun. These children are now my friends and their parents in some ways raised me a little too.

This page is still in the works but I wanted to let you know what what coming up! So stay tuned and in the mean time check out my posts under children for tips, tricks and insights on raising kids!